Spiritual Father: I welcome you here to the Ritual of the Day of the Divine.
Spiritual Mother: This is a celebration of the Divine Self.
Spiritual Father and Mother: Today I celebrate my divinity!
All Members: Today I celebrate my divinity!
Spiritual Father: I peer into the still pool, and I admire the reflection of my own eyes. I speak to myself, admiring the timber of my tone. I love myself, unashamed, and I am never alone. I am myself divine!
Spiritual Mother: I cannot serve another if I cannot first serve the Self; even service to another can be selfish, for the purpose found in it serves the Self. I aspire always to meet my needs first, for I am myself divine!
All Members: I am myself divine!
Spiritual Father: I pass this chalice and I place within it, my knowledge of ________ to share (Gives Chalice to Spiritual Mother)…
Spiritual Mother: I pass this chalice and I place within it, my knowledge of ________ to share (Gives Chalice to next Member)…
All Members: "pass the chalice" filling it with what they fill is the strongest knowledge that they are willing to share until it is "returned" to the Spiritual Father).
Spiritual Father: I drink of the knowledge you have shared of me, blessed to drink from the offerings of the divine (Gives Chalice to Spiritual Mother)…
Spiritual Mother: I drink of the knowledge you have shared of me, blessed to drink from the offerings of the divine (Gives Chalice to next Member)…
All Members: I drink of the knowledge you have shared of me, blessed to drink from the offerings of the divine.)
Spiritual Father: I draw this blade; in the reflection of the blade/athame I can see my form. If I look deeper still I can find my inner strength, and it is as sharp and steady as this blade/athame. I pass this blade to the Spiritual Mother.
Spiritual Mother: I draw this blade; in the reflection of the blade I can see my form. If I look deeper still I can find my inner strength, and it is as sharp and steady as this blade. I pass this blade to _____ (Next Member).
All Members: I draw this blade; in the reflection of the blade I can see my form. If I look deeper still I can find my inner strength, and it is as sharp and steady as this blade. I pass this blade to _____
(Next Member - "blade/athame" is passed to all Members until it is "returned" to the Spiritual Father).
Spiritual Father: We are all divine and should remember that! Hail the Divine!
Spiritual Mother: Hail the Divine!
All Members: Hail the Divine!
Spiritual Father: Remember to love yourself, find Strength within yourself, and cherish your divinity. Thank you for sharing a moment of the celebration of your divinity with me!
Spiritual Mother: Yes, thank you!
Spiritual Father: Dark Blessings as the Ritual is Closed.
© Rev. Samilyn and Rev. JP DDG