This is an individual spell and the one performing it is the Spiritual Father or Mother. It is best if you have a personal object of your target though it may work regardless depending again on your will and intentions of the spell…
*** For best results one can use the Ritual set up but it is not necessary.
*** However a Black (for person protection) Ritual Candle is necessary…
I gather myself in this ritual space tonight to ask for Protection from ______ against curses or any wrong doing from (name of individual)…
*Hold personal object while repeating your request…
*Write his or her name on a piece of paper…
*Place the paper under this black candle (thinking of them) to offer it up to the ritual realm so it will reach the intended target and bind them from doing harm…
I ask for aid of our Gods and Goddesses to aid in protection from curses or wrong doing against your children and followers. We also thank you for your protection of your children…
AYE (or) let it be so…
© Rev. JP DDG