Goth Group
From an email I am subscribed to (SHUDDER)
Proving George Wrong From the Bottom of My Heart By Suzanne Romero
The day Shudder released The Amusement Park was very emotional for me. I think of George all the time, of course, but that day I felt a rush of memories flooding my thoughts. I remembered our very first Christmas together where he and I went to a beautiful tree farm north of Toronto. We took a frosty sleigh ride to the site where the trees were, and I made him chop down ours. How romantic, right? After a lengthy selection process — I mean, the tree has to be perfect! — he sawed one down. Then, when we got home, it was too tall! So he had to do more sawing in the hallway of my condo. That was the very last Christmas we spent in Toronto. I guess he was…