Vampyrian TempleUVUP
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We are a Vampyrian Temple of Real spiritual Vampyres/Vampires for Divinity, unity, support, and strength founded Dec. 18, 2003 though we have members from all over. Join the Vampyrian TempleUVUP facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Vampyrian
The whole purpose is to unite and educate the Vampyre or #Vampire community on its abilities, capabilities, beginnings as well as focus on the spirituality of Vampyrism. The Vampyrian belief is eclectic but different than most since we don't worship anything above us and believe most religions are based in truth; not complete lies just what people understand. My spiritual is based in my #Vampyrism, #Pagan, #Universalism #Unitarianism, and that I am a very Spiritual soul. We are a Vampyrian Temple with our OWN personal beliefs and ideals but each individual is encouraged to find there own way and awaken to there own individual path.
Don't forget to like us: https://www.facebook.com/Vampyriantuvup
Our youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/RevUVUP/
Our Products: https://www.cafepress.com/templeuvup
If you ever need to contact me email me @ revjpvanir@gmail.com
Our FREE Basic Book: http://www.lulu.com/shop/rev-jp-vanir/temple-uvup-vampyr-spirituality-book-1/ebook/product-17448882.html
My Twitter https://twitter.com/Vampyrian
*** Rules:
1. NO harassing members on this network.
2. NO SPAM, Vampire Fiction, UNRELATED, (Vampires, paganism, LHP, Spirituality, Occult ect) or Sexual posts will be tolerated...
3. NO destructive behavior such as BLOCKING ADMINS and (Means: flame wars, harmful, or disrespectful/thoughtless behavior.) NO POLITICS, for pretty much the same reason. Most importantly please speak English so we can understand you.
4. NO illegal activity can be tolerated, as we don't need destructive activity in our Community.
5. NO post that might tear down our Vampyre Community, as we are all Family (in our souls).
6. In the interests of legality, I had to make this site 16 yrs and older. There are many Awakening online groups for younger vamps. However if you are under 18 you are not allowed to attend our offline physical gatherings, offline rituals, join the inner temple, or Council until you are a legal Adult (18)...
7. Please keep on topic in chats. NO vampire fiction/RPG play or getting sexually explicit and NO PORN/Sexual art or content (ART is fine but no adult content - We need to be respectful of all members.)
ALL problems are brought up to council and punishment for breaking these rules is voted on in as we are a very DEMOCRATIC Network and Temple...
Thank you in advance for respecting these rules...
Thank you...
© Rev. JP Vanir
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March 23, 2020
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