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New York and Jersey Sucks but BlutEngel Rocked my world

July 22, 2012 I was anticipating the concert forever it seemed but I am I am actually surprisingly relieved to be back in the boring BUT panic free state of Ohio. Although the trip though state of Pennsylvania was long as hell, the trip through part of the shit of a state that is New Jersey sucked even worse, being in New York cause me many (many) Panic attacks, and there were a very (very) few let downs in the concerts -  IT WAS SO MAJORLY WORTH THE IT! I have not been to hardly very many good concerts if many concerts but this one had to be the best I have ever been to! I went with my wife Amanda (Lady Aromaura), my good friend Julie Eberhart, and Tim Hinkle. Pennsylvania was a very long but lovely state full of many, many nice trees and scenery! I have never been through the east coast at all but I will probably go back through the shit hole that is New Jersey or go to NYC ever again if I can help it. I couldn’t even take a RR stop in Jersey because the gas station was locked up and this was around 3pm? Then we finally got to NY and getting through the Holland Tunnel was less than fun but memorable. I know next time I won’t book my hotel with Orbits but directly with the hotel because hotel Pennsylvania charged me an extra 267 something for god knows what; Orbits also did not let them know I cancelled my extra day a month in advance! I swear they better get this issue fixed and fast! NYC was way too crowded and chaotic for my Anxiety issues; I am actually surprised I survived the trip myself. I was so glad to get out of that city and BlutEngel is most likely the only band I will ever do that for. When we arrived at the concert Rebel had a very strange way of disorganizing the ticket line combining the regular admission and the VIP ticket holders and even though I was VIP at first I ended up at the end of the line? The VIPs where supposed to get in the concert at 8pm but they didn’t split up the line until almost 9pm. I purchased 2 VIP tickets and 1 regular admission Tim bought off me but they only had me on the list as having 1 VIP and 1 regular admission (which I bought first and then the other VIP later) for some reason? The admission Lady was very understandable about the mistake and figured it out in decent pretty quickly. I just felt bad about holding up the line. But we got in and the staff was very nice and helpful with everything. Chris Pohl was not feeling well before the show unfortunately so we had to wait until after the show to get our signed posters and meet the band but it was good he could rest up before the show so he could put on a good one. The lady at the bar did not know how to make the blood bath drink and I didn’t bring the recipe but that was ok because I told her how to put together a Red Death and damn she made it strong which is good since they were 10 dollars each for both of our RD’s. I finished my drink quickly as usual (I can never seem to milk a red death, lol) and Amanda needed me to finish hers so I was a bit tipsy while dancing before the concert but I was told by Lady Azraelina as well as my Amanda I danced very well and had great rhythm still. The DJs the I heard all did great sets and I was thrilled to hear Christian Death, The Cure and other old school Goth I never hear anymore in Columbus! I just wish I had more room to do my full dance.  

The concert took forever to start and my legs hurt before it even started but it was a wonderful show even though there was no blood shower and only 2 of the girls came to the US show. Miss Construction did a great set and his outfit was amazing (Jealous) but they used way too much strobe lights at the show and Amanda was having issues, had to go to the back, and missed the BlutEngel show but she was OK after she left the area. I kept texting her to make sure she was OK. BlutEngel came on and I was amazed; I never thought I ever actually get to see them live! I was surprised I didn’t fall over in my extremely difficult boots but at least I was no longer tipsy from the drinks. They did an amazing show and even managed to do 3 extra songs despite Chris not feeling so well but some how I think the crowd at the show was the reason he did so well not to mention I sent him some of the energy I received to make sure he would be OK. Of all the songs they did EngelsBlut was the most energizing song they did and it really got the place jumping. After the show the bathroom lines where packed so I was like I will just wait till I get home (it didn’t bother me after a while, LOL) and for some reason it took a while to find the room where the VIP meet and greet was to happen but I managed. Luckily there was a huge rest room up there that there was no line for so I finally got to go. I finally got to met Chris Pohl, spoke with him briefly, and even got a picture with him! The other 2 band members where there as well and I even got a picture with Ulrike Goldmann! I decided to leave right after meeting them and saying bye to Lady Azraelina because I wanted to get away from the crowds and see Amanda because I was worried about her. I got back to our room but it was almost impossible to fall asleep after such an exciting event and there was too much energy in the NYC air! I eventually dosed off but was told by Amanda I was talking in my sleep so I must have not completely tired out LOL. I was very tired packing for home and the City wasn’t as awake as yesterday but the weather wasn’t so good as well. At least the traffic leaving wasn’t nearly as bad leaving NY as it was getting there. It was a long trip home but we made great time (getting home never takes as long as getting to an event you can’t wait for of course). I was so glad to be home from the NYC chaos but sad that the event was done still and could not get to bed right away. I had to pamper the cat a bit since we were gone so long and he was crying so I gave him a can and gave him much love. It took me forever to finally get to sleep but took some valerian for my pain (leg, arm, foot) and to help me sleep so I got there all the same.      © JP Vanir  the Dark Druid Goth  


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