Vampyrian Holidays
DAY OF THE DIVINE - JAN. 21st We are all divine, and this is a day set aside to honor the Self. If we do not honor ourselves we cannot honor others. Take today to celebrate that which is divinely YOU!
DAY OF REAWAKENING - APRIL 21st A day for celebrating the return of spring, to plant the seeds of the Harvest to come, and to reconnect to the life giving energies…
A CELABRATION OF NEW BEGININGS - MAY 1st Celebration of life, love and fertility! A time to honor the Mother Earth, to nurture that which was planted in the spring for the Harvest to come and new beginnings…
A day to Give of your self to your higher power; Mine is my Dark Mother Layla as well as the various other Vampyr Gods and Goddesses...
Father JP Vanir the Founding Father of TempleUVUP‘s birthday. It should be noted: Each of us is Divine; therefore every Member's birthday is sacred…
LAYLA'S DAYS – October 18th It was the Goddess Layla that lead Our Founding Father JP Vanir to Found the TempleUVUP. A time to celebrate our Dark Goddess and feminine powers…
FALL EQUINOX – September 21st
The Fall Equinox is The Beginning of the Darker Seasons and time of less sun. A very dark and Blessed Time for Vampyres…
HARVEST END - OCT 31st A time to honor our Ancestors, and to celebrate the bounty of the Harvest. We have sown that which we planted during the Reawakening of Spring, that which we tended. Now we can take pride in the fruits of our labor and also to honor or LIFE ENERGY givers. A CELEBRATION OF OUR LIFE GIVERS as well as our human food sources…
DAY OF OUR ANCESTORS - NOV 1st A day to celebrate the lives of the blood that has gone before us! To Celebrate and admire our Elders who have passed on to the next life…. Vampyrian TempleUVUP ANNIVERSARY - DEC. 18th Almost like the Temple's New Year, a time to reflect on the growth over the last year, and to celebrate the Unity we have found here at the TempleUVUP…
THE LONGEST NIGHT - DEC. 21st A time to celebrate our Darkness, to respect and honor that within us that is not 'held within the Light.' This day is very special to us as Vampyres, and we hold it as a very sacred occasion…
FULL MOON AND NEW MOON CELEBRATIONS Also we will celebrate lunar/solar eclipses and other such astrological occurrences as they occur. Notice will be made if a Ritual is to be conducted during one of these events.
© Founding Father Rev. J P DDG